Advancing Sustainable Additive Manufacturing: Recycled Carbon Fiber Composites in 3D Printing and Beyond
About The Project Advisor


To unlock the full potential of 3D printing beyond prototyping, we recognize the need for advanced and sustainable materials that can foster scaled additive manufacturing. This project serves as a foundation for pioneering advanced applications of recycled composites within the additive manufacturing industry.
Methods and Technologies
We will explore different composite compositions while employing mechanical recycling techniques to reclaim the material as a whole. Additionally, we conduct comprehensive characterizations and analyses to assess the properties of the enhanced carbon fiber 3D printing polymeric material and the structures it produces. Various printers, operating under different parameters and setups, will be used to investigate the feasibility of utilizing the recycled material in diverse 3D printing applications.
Academic Majors
Academic Majors
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering

Preferred Skills and Experience

  • 3D printing
  • CAD
  • material synthesis and characterization.


Mechanical Engineering

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