Cedar’s Chemicals
About The Project Faculty Members Students


We aim to be the first to produce and distribute Urea Phosphate in Lebanon. Lebanon is very rich in phosphate sources; however, no one uses these valuable resources. In other words, the Lebanese fertilizer industry does not produce Urea Phosphate, one of the best fertilizers for crops. This has caused farmers to spend millions of dollars to import fertilizers. We plan to revolutionize the Lebanese fertilizer industry by introducing Urea Phosphate to the market and selling it at a much lower price than the imported fertilizers. In addition to the economic benefit, Urea Phosphate may be superior to other imported and local fertilizers used in Lebanon. This is due to the low pH of Urea Phosphate, which makes it an acidic fertilizer. This acidity has significant advantages in Lebanese calcareous soils (pH = 7.5-8.5) because it improves the absorption of nutrients by the plants and balances the pH of our soil. This would lead to an increase in the yield of the crops. Therefore, for a more economical and better agricultural future, it is crucial to introduce Urea Phosphate production to Lebanon through this project.



At this stage, we figured out the correct formula to produce solid and liquid urea phosphate using 70% local raw material. However, the equipment involved in large-scale production is one of the challenges we are facing. The reason is that the equipment is costly and complex to manufacture; therefore, they are only produced for an industrial scale. Hence, we could not perfectly replicate the industrial production line in a small prototype. However, we are confident that we will be able to purchase them at a later stage. Another challenge we might face is marketing the product, since our team has no prior marketing knowledge. However, we plan on either hiring a marketer or partnering up with an industrial fertilizer distributor to help us penetrate the fertilizer market.
Desired Disciplines
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Agriculture
  • Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
  • Business
  • Marketing

Faculty Members

Agricultural and Food Sciences


Leia Bassam

Chemical Engineering

Jad Slim

Chemical Engineering

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