Promoting and implementing the concept of open government through a open government portal
About The Project


- Encouraging, urging, and, in a sense, obliging Arab countries' government to fully publish their budgets and they way they allocated and spent funds with the view of enhancing transparency to the maximum extent possible. The Arab citizen has the right to know, after all. - Minimizing as much as possible widespread state corruption, abuse of power by politicians and people in a position of authority. This has never been much more needed in the Arab world given the fact that Arab countries collectively score very high in corruption in the world (one of the most corrupt region on the planet) according to Transparency International. - Enhancing Arab citizens' engagement in their country's governance affairs in a way that it is to their best interest of Arab citizens officials to escape scrutiny and accountability. - Promote a culture of accountability by making everything as transparent as possible with regard to government spending, there is less room for - In this sense, Open government aims to enhance transparency, accountability, participation and citizen engagement. Governance is still weak in the Arab region, as demonstrated by low governance indicators compared with other regions. Open government strategies can support Arab countries in enhancing governance, and accelerating the achievement of SDG 16.


The biggest possible challenge I expect to face is Arab government, which are often predominantly corrupt according to international indicators, resisting such project. One way I would do to overcome this challenge by informing citizens about my project so that a legislation could be enacted to make this project actually happen.
  • Making an accessible internet portal about open government that tracks transparently governments' management of scarce resources
Academic Majors of Interest
Academic Majors of Interest
  • Political Science
  • Law
  • Defense
  • Accounting and finance
  • management
  • auditing
  • public health
  • statistics and technology

Preferred Skills

  • - Specialized and advance knowledge of IT
  • - Computer science related skills
  • Political Science-related skills
  • Advanced knowledge of laws and regulations in Arab countries about the project-related fields

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